Allianz Global Investors - Recruiting Privacy Notice

As part of its recruitment activities, Allianz Global Investors GmbH and its affiliates (AllianzGI, we, us or our) collects and processes your personal information (i.e. data which can be linked/attributed to an individual person, Personal Data).

The privacy and protection of your Personal Data is of utmost importance to us. Therefore we are committed to being transparent about how we collect and process your Personal Data in accordance with the high standards of applicable data protection laws and regulations.

The purpose of this Recruiting Privacy Notice is to inform you as a candidate about why and how we process your Personal Data during and after your job application. This includes information regarding with whom we will share your Personal Data, how long we will retain it and which rights you have in relation to its processing.

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your Personal Data?

If you apply for a position within Allianz Global Investors GmbH or any affiliates in Europe, Allianz Global Investors GmbH is the responsible data controller, which means we are the entity deciding why and how to collect and process your Personal Data.

In addition, also other companies of the AllianzGI Group will become responsible for the processing of your Personal Data (for example in cases where you apply directly to a specific AllianzGI Company).

A list with the contact details of the AllianzGI Companies can be found under this link.

In the event that two or more AllianzGI companies process your Personal Data in a joint manner, we kindly ask you to address any queries you may have directly to the contact details as set out in Section 10. The respective Privacy Contact Person will then forward your query to the AllianzGI Company who is primarily responsible, if necessary. Typically, this will be the AllianzGI Company you applied to directly.

2. What Personal Data do we collect?

We collect the following types of your Personal Data:

As a matter of practice, we will not collect any sensitive Personal Data about you (for example data concerning health, racial or ethnic origin or political opinions). If there is a need for us to process such sensitive Personal Data for purposes of the recruitment process with you (for example where we would need to know about any disabilities to provide a suitable workplace environment, or about relevant previous convictions), we will only process such sensitive Personal Data in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Generally, we will collect the abovementioned Personal Data directly from you (for example, when you provided this information as part of your application letter, your CV or during an interview). You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide your Personal Data to us during the recruitment process. However, if you do not provide the information, we may not be able to process your application properly or at all.

In certain scenarios like for pre-employment screening etc., we will also obtain your Personal Data from other sources such as through background check providers etc., in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

3. For which purposes do we collect process your Personal Data?

We collect and process your Personal Data for the following purposes:

4. On which legal bases do we process your Personal Data?

We use the following legal bases for the processing of your Personal Data:

5. Who has access to your Personal Data?

To manage your recruiting process, we will share your Personal Data internally with members of the HR department, interviewers involved in the recruitment process and managers in departments with a vacancy, and in each case only if access to your Personal Data is necessary for the performance of their roles.

In addition, and only when necessary to fulfil the purposes mentioned above, we will disclose your Personal Data to the following recipients or categories of recipients, as the case may be:

We will not disclose your Personal Data to any parties who are not authorized to process them.

6. Where will my Personal Data be processed?

Your Personal Data will be processed both inside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EE) and outside the EU and EEA on a global level by the parties specified in Section 5 above.

Please note that EU / EEA Member States and other countries all have different laws regarding the protection of Personal Data. If we transfer your Personal Data from your own country to another country, the laws and rules that protect your Personal Data in the country to which your information is transferred to can be different (or less protective) from those in the country in which you live.

Whenever we transfer your personal data for processing outside of the EEA to another Allianz Group company, we will do so on the basis of the binding corporate rules (BCRs) of Allianz known as the Allianz Privacy Standard (APS) which establish adequate protection for personal data and are legally binding on Allianz Group companies. The public version of the APS and the list of Allianz Group companies that comply with them can be accessed under .

Where the Allianz Privacy Standard does not apply, we will ensure that the recipient of the Personal Data provides for an adequate level of data protection, in particular, by implementing safeguards such as standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission that can be accessed under .

7. How do we protect your Personal Data?

AllianzGI maintains appropriate technical and organizational security measures designed to protect your Personal Data against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. All our employees and contractual partners are bound by confidentiality and may only process your Personal Data based on the "need-to-know" principle.

8. How long do we keep your Personal Data?

We will not retain your Personal Data longer than necessary to fulfil the purposes the data was collected for or to fulfil our legal obligations. Afterwards, we will delete your Personal Data.

Your job application submitted on our career page or on an unsolicited basis will be deleted 6 months after their submission unless there are deviating local retention periods. For specific information please contact Michaela Klein

9. What are your rights in respect of your Personal Data?

To the extent permitted by applicable data protection laws and regulations, you have the following rights in relation to your Personal Data:

Right to object

In the event and to the extent that we process your Personal Data based on our legitimate interests as mentioned above, you have the right to object to the processing on specific grounds relating to your particular situation. In such case we will no longer process your Personal Data unless we have compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

You may exercise these rights by sending a request to the contact details set out in Section 10 below, providing your name, the AllianzGI Company you made an application to, your email address as well as a description of your request.

If you believe we have not complied with our obligations under applicable data protection laws and regulations, you may lodge a complaint with a competent data protection authority.

10. What happens on the WCN platform with your Personal Data?

By storing and submitting your information you are agreeing to your application data being processed for the purposes of:

· communication regarding recruitment between you and AllianzGI as a prospective employer,

· consideration of your application and possible recruitment by AllianzGI,

· the provision of the services of WebSAF (WebSAF functionality allows you to upload commonly asked personal details into an online application form. This information is only uploaded to a prospective employer's online form at your request. You then have the opportunity to edit any of this information and must then decide to submit it to that employer). WCN may monitor your use of this website and record your email address for our internal purposes. This may be done via "cookies". The website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of the website or as part of the security of this site. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we put on your computer. Any cookie we set will only contain random but unique information which is set to expire when you close the browser. The cookie does not contain any personal or sensitive information. The cookie information can only be used by the browser when it sends requests for new web pages to the servers - the browser will not allow the cookie to be used for any other purpose. The cookie information will always be protected by strong encryption whenever the content is sent to us. The use of these cookies is essential for the correct and secure operation of the website.

Cookies which we may set on the WCN platform include:

· request_token: This may be set for users visiting * domain. This cookie helps us ensure your privacy by protecting against any unauthorised party from seeking to submit information on your behalf without your knowledge.

· wcn_status: This may be set for users visiting * domain. If you log in then this cookie allows us to remember that you have provided login detail and can associate all further input with your login account. If you do not log in then the 'session' cookie allows us to link together any information you enter on different pages while on our site so that, if you do log in later, then we can record that information against your user account.

· wcn_session: This may be set for users visiting * domain. If you log in then this cookie allows us to remember that you have provided login detail and can associate all further input with your login account. If you do not log in then the 'session' cookie allows us to link together any information you enter on different pages while on our site so that, if you do log in later, then we can record that information against your user account.

11. How can you contact us?

If you have any queries about this Recruiting Privacy Notice or how we use your Personal Data, please contact our Data Protection Officer via e-mail to .

In cases where we are jointly processing your Personal Data together with other Companies of the AllianzGI Group, we will forward your query to the respective Company, as the case may be.

12. How often do we update this Recruiting Privacy Notice?

We regularly review this Recruiting Privacy Notice. When there is an important change that will have a relevant impact on the processing of your Personal Data, we will inform you via a notification on our recruiting website, via e-mail or similar means. This Recruiting Privacy Notice was last updated on May 2018.